
Jump to year: 2010 2000 1990 1980

163.  2014  Wang, H.  Y., L.W. Botsford, White, J.W., Fogarty, M.J., Juanes, F. Hastings, A., Holland, M. D. and Brander, K.  The influence of temperature on life histories sets the sensitivity of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, to fishing.  In press, Marine Ecology Progress Series.     

162.  2014  Botsford, L.W., M. D. Holland, J.C. Field and A. Hastings. Cohort resonance: a significant component of fluctuations in recruitment, egg production and catch of fished populations.  In press, ICES Journal of Marine Science. 

161.  2014  Collie, J.S., L.W. Botsford, A. Hastings, I.C. Kaplan, J. L. Largier, P. A. Livingston, E. Plaganyi, K.A. Rose, B.K. Wells, F.E. Werner.  Ecosystem models for fisheries management: finding the sweet spot.  Fish and Fisheries, DOI: 10.1111/faf.12093.     

160.  2014  Kilduff, D.P., L.W. Botsford and S.L. H. Teo.  Spatial and temporal covariability in early ocean survival of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) along the west coast of North America.  In press, ICES Journal of Marine Science.    

159.  2013  Fogarty, M.J., L. W. Botsford and F. Werner.  Legacy of the US GLOBEC program: current and potential contributions to marine ecosystem-based management.  Oceanography 26: 116-127.    

158.  2013  Schmidt, A.E., LW. Botsford, J. M. Eadie, R. W. Bradley, E. Di Lorenzo, J. Jahncke.  Non-stationary seabird responses reveal shifting ENSO dynamics in the Northeast Pacific.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 499: 249-258.

157.  2013  Burgess, S.C., Nickols. K.J., Griesemer, C.C., Barnett,L.A.K., Dedrick, A.G., Satterthwaite, E.V., Yamane, L., Morgan, S.G., White, J.W., Botsford, L.W. Beyond connectivity: linking theory and data to inform population persistence and improve marine protected area design.  Ecological Applications 24: 257-270.    

156.  2014  White, J.W., L. W. Botsford, A. Hastings and M. D. Holland.  Stochastic models reveal conditions for cyclic dominance in sockeye salmon populations. Ecological Monographs 84: 69-90.  

155.  2013  Botsford, L.W. Maximum Sustainable Yield.  Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology.  New York: Oxford University Press.

154.  2013  Moffitt, E.A., J.W. White and L.W. Botsford.  Accurate assessment of marine protected area success depends on metric and spatiotemporal scale of monitoring.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 489: 17-28.

153.  2013  Chapple, T.K., L.W. Botsford.  Assessing Sustainability in Sharks: A Comparison of Linear Demographic Models and the Fraction of Lifetime Egg Production (FLEP). Conservation Biology 27: 560-568.

152.  2013  White, J.W., L.W. Botsford, A. Hastings, M. L. Baskett, D. M. Kaplan, L.A.K. Barnett.  Transient responses of fished populations to marine reserve establishment.  Conservation Letters 6:180-191.

151.  2012  White, J.W., A. J. Scholz, A. Rassweiler, C. Steinback, L. W. Botsford, S.       Kruse, C. Costello, S. Mitarai, D. A. Siegel, P. T. Drake, C. A. Edwards.  Socioeconomics and bioeconomics in MPA network planning: A comparison of approaches used in CaliforniaÕs MLPA Initiative process.  In Press Ocean and Coastal Management.    

150.  2011  Fischer, D. T., J.W. White, L.W. Botsford, J. Largier and D.M. Kaplan. A GIS-based tool for representing larval dispersal for marine reserve selection. The Professional Geographer.  DOI:10.1080/00330124.2011.585079.    

149.  2011  Botsford, L.W., M.D. Holland, J.F. Samhouri, J. Wilson White and Alan Hastings.  Importance of age structure in models of the response of upper trophic levels to fishing and climate change. ICES Journal of Marine Science 68: 1270-1283.   

148.  2011  Gruss, A., D.M. Kaplan, S. Guenette, C.M. Roberts and L.W. Botsford.  Consequences of adult and juvenile movement for marine protected areas. Biological Conservation 144: 692-702.    

147.  2011  White, J.W., L.W. Botsford, M.L. Baskett, L.A.K. Barnett, R.J. Barr and A. Hastings.  Linking models and data in assessment of no-take reserves. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9: 390-399.     

146.  2011  Moffitt, E.A., J.W. White and L.W. Botsford. The utility and limitations of size and spacing guidelines for designing marine protected area (MPA) networks. Biological Conservation 144: 306-318. 

145.  2011  Chapple, T.K., S.J. Jorgensen, S.D. Anderson,, P.E. Kanive, A.P. Klimley, L. W. Botsford and B.A. Block.  A first estimate of white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, abundance off central California. Biology Letters doi:10.1098/rsbl.2011.1024.  

144.  2011  Lundquist, C.J. and L.W. Botsford.  Estimating larval production of a broadcast spawner: the influence of density, aggregation and the fertilization Allee effect.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68: 30-42.   

143.  2010  Worden, L., L.W. Botsford, A. Hastings and M.D. Holland.  Frequency responses of age-structured populations:  Pacific salmon as an example.  Theoretical Population Biology 78: 239-249.     

142.  2010  White, J.W., L.W. Botsford, E.A. Moffitt and D.T. Fischer. A decision-analysis approach to MPA network assessment under uncertainty regarding fishery status of multiple species.  Ecological Applications 20: 1523-1541.    

141.  2010 Kaplan, D.M., D.R. Hart and L.W. Botsford.  Rotating spatial harvest displacement of fishing effort: a comment on Game, et al. (2009).   Ecology Letters 13: E10-E12.  

140.  2010  White, J.W., L.W. Botsford, A. Hastings and J.L.  Largier.  Population persistence in marine reserve networks with realistic currents: an example from coastal California.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 398: 49-67.  

139.  2010  Brander, K., L.W. Botsford, L. Ciannelli, M. Fogarty, M. Heath, B. Planque, L. Shannon and K. Wieland.  Human impacts on marine ecosystems.  Pp 41-71, Chapter 3 in Barange, M., J. Field, R. Harris, E. Hofmann, I. Perry and F. Werner (editors), Marine Ecosystems and Climate Change.  Oxford University Press, New York, 412 pp.  

138.  2009  Teo,S.L.H., L. W. Botsford, and A. Hastings.  Spatio-temporal covariability in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) survival, from California to Southeast Alaska. Deep-Sea Research II 56: 2570-2578. 

137.  2009  Moffitt, E.A., L.W. Botsford, D.M. Kaplan and M.R. O'Farrell.  Marine reserve networks for species that move within a home range. Ecological Applications 19: 1835-1847.   

136.  2009  Yokomizo, H., L.W. Botsford, M.D. Holland, C.A. Lawrence and A. Hastings.  Optimal wind patterns for biological production in shelf ecosystems driven by coastal upwelling.  Theoretical Ecology. DOI 10.1007/s12080-009-0053-5  

135.  2009  Botsford, L.W., J.W. White, M.-A. Coffroth, C.B. Paris, S. Planes, T.L. Shearer, S.R. Thorrold, G.P. Jones.  Connectivity and resilience of coral reef metapopulations in MPAs: matching empirical efforts to predictive needs.  Coral Reefs 28: 327-337.     

134.  2009  Kaplan, D.M., L.W. Botsford, S. D. Gaines and S.J. Jorgensen. Model-based assessment of persistence in proposed marine protected area designs for the central California coast.  Ecological Applications 19: 433-448. 

133.  2008  Botsford, L.W., D.R. Brumbaugh, C. Grimes, J.B. Kellner, J. Largier, M.R. O'Farrell, S. Ralston, E. Soulanille and V. Wepestad.  Connectivity, sustainability and yield: bridging the gap between conventional fishery management and marine protected areas.  Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 19:  69-95.    

132.  2007  Diehl, J.M., R.J. Toonen, and L.W. Botsford.  Variabilty in the spatial pattern of recruitment of the sand crab, Emerita analoga, throughout California in relation to wind-driven currents. Marine Ecology Progress Series 350: 1-17.  

131.  2007  Adams, P.B., L.W. Botsford, K.W. Gobalet, R.A. Leidy, D.R. McEwan, P.B.         Moyle,  J.J. Smith, J.G. Williams, and R.M. Yoshiyama. Coho salmon are native south of San Francisco Bay: A reexamination of North American coho salmonÕs southern range limit. Fisheries 32: 441-451.

130.  2007  Fogarty, M.J. and L.W. Botsford.  Population connectivity and spatial management of marine fisheries.   Oceanography 20:.112-123.     

129.  2007  Botsford, L.W., F. Micheli and A.M. Parma.  Biological and ecological considerations in the design, implementation and success of MPAs.  Pp. 109-148 in Expert Workshop on Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries Management: Review of Issues and Considerations, FAO Fisheries Report No. 825, Rome, Italy.  332 pp.    

128.  2006  Dawson, MN, RK Grosberg and LW Botsford.  Connectivity in marine protected areas.  Science 313:  43-44.    

127.  2006  Largier JL, CA Lawrence, M Roughan, DM Kaplan, EP Dever, CE Dorman, RM Kudela, SM Bollens, FP Wilkerson, RC Dugdale, LW Botsford, N Garfield, B Kuebel-Cervantes, D Koracin. WEST: a northern California study of the role of wind-driven transport in the productivity of coastal plankton communities.  Deep Sea Research II 53: 2833-2849.  

126.  2006  Botsford, L.W., C.A.  Lawrence, E.P. Dever, A. Hastings and J. Largier.  Effects of variable winds on biological productivity on continental shelves in coastal upwelling systems.  Deep Sea Research II 53: 3116-3140.     

125.  2006  Jorgensen, S.J., D.M. Kaplan, A.P. Klimley, S.G. Morgan, M.R. O'Farrell and L. W. Botsford.  Limited movement in blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus): internal structure of the home range.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 327:157-170. 

124.  2006  Kaplan, D.M., L.W. Botsford and S. Jorgensen.  Dispersal per recruit: an efficient method for assessing sustainability in marine reserve networks.  Ecological Applications 16:  2248-2263.   

123.  2006  O'Farrell, M. R. and L. W. Botsford.  The fisheries management implications of maternal-age-dependent larval survival.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63: 2249-2258.

122.  2006  O'Farrell, M. R. and L. W. Botsford.  Estimating the status of nearshore rockfish (Sebastes spp.) with length frequency data.  Ecological Applications 16: 977-986.

121.  2006  Hastings, A. and L.W. Botsford.  A simple persistence condition for structured populations.  Ecology Letters 9: 846-852. 

120.  2006  Hastings, A. and L.W. Botsford. Persistence of spatial populations depends on returning home.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S. 103: 6067-6072.   

119.  2006  Fogarty, M.J. and L. W. Botsford.  Metapopulation dynamics of coastal decapods.  Pp 271-319 and Chapter 8 in Marine Metapopulations, edited by P. Sale and J. Kritzer.   

118.  2006  Botsford, L.W. and A. Hastings.  Conservation dynamics of marine metapopulations with dispersing larvae.  Pp. 411-429 and Ch 12 in Marine Metapopulations, edited by P. Sale and J. Kritzer. 

117.  2005  Kaplan, D.F., J. Largier and L.W. Botsford. HF radar observations of surface circulation off Bodega Bay (Northern California, USA).  Journal of Geophysical Research 110: C10020.  

116.  2005  O'Farrell, M.R. and L.W. Botsford. Estimation of change in lifetime egg production from length frequency data.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 1626-1639.

115.  2005  Botsford, L.W. and A.M. Parma. Uncertainty in marine management. Pp. 375-392 in E. Norse and L.Crowder,(eds).  Marine Conservation Biology: the science of maintaining the sea's biodiversity.  Island Press, Covelo.  470 pp.   

114.  2005  Kaplan, D.M. and L.W. Botsford. Effects of variability in spacing of coastal marine reserves on fisheries yield and sustainability.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 905-912.   

113.  2005  Botsford, L.W. Potential contributions of marine reserves to sustainable fisheries: recent modeling results.  Bulletin of Marine Science 76: 245-259.     

112.  2005  Botsford, L.W., C.A. Lawrence and M.F. Hill.  Differences in dynamic response of California Current salmon species to       changes in ocean conditions.  Deep-Sea Research II: 52:  331-345. 

111.  2004  Micheli, F., B.S. Halpern, L.W. Botsford and R.R. Warner.  Trajectories and correlates of community change in no-take marine reserves. Ecological Applications 14: 1709-1723.    

110.  2004  Botsford, L.W., A. Campbell and R. Miller.  Biological reference points in the management of North American sea urchin fisheries.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 1325-1327.

109.  2004  Lundquist, C.J. and L.W. Botsford. Model projections of the fishery implications of the Allee effect in broadcast spawners. Ecological Applications 14: 929-941. 

108.  2004 Hilborn, R., K. Stokes, J-J. Maguire, T. Smith, L.W. Botsford, M. Mangel, J. Orensanz, A. Parma, J. Rice, J. Bell, K.L. Cochrane, S. Garcia, S.J. Hall, G.P. Kirkwood, K. Sainsbury, G. Stefansson and C. Walters.  When can marine reserves improve fisheries management?  Ocean and Coastal Management 47: 197-205. 

107.  2004  Botsford, L.W., D. M. Kaplan and A. Hastings.  Sustainability and yield in marine reserve policy.  American Fisheries Society Symposium 42: 75-86. 

106.  2003  McCann, K.S, L.W. Botsford and A. Hastings.  Differential response of marine populations to climate forcing.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60: 971-985.     

105.  2003  Wing, S.R., L.W. Botsford, L.E. Morgan, J.M. Diehl and C.J. Lundquist.  2003.  Inter-annual variability in larval supply to populations of three invertebrate taxa in the northern California Current. ÊEstuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 57: 859-872.     

104.  2003  Hill, M.F., LW. Botsford, and A. Hastings.  The effects of spawning age distribution on salmon persistence in fluctuating environments.  Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 732-744.

103.  2003  Botsford, L.W., C.A. Lawrence, E.P. Dever, A. Hastings and J. Largier.  Wind strength and biological productivity in upwelling systems.  Fisheries Oceanography 12: 1-15. 

102.  2003  Botsford, L.W., F. Micheli and A. Hastings.  Principles for the design of marine reserves.  Ecological Applications 13: S25-S31.     

101.  2003  Gerber, L.R., S.J. Andelman, L.W. Botsford, S.D. Gaines, A. Hastings, S.R. Palumbi and H.P. Possingham. Population models for marine reserve design: A retrospective and prospective synthesis.  Ecological Applications 13: S47-S64.     

100.  2003  Hastings, A. and L.W. Botsford. Are marine reserves for fisheries and biodiversity compatible?  Ecological Applications 13: S65-S70.    

99.   2002  Botsford, L.W., C.A. Lawrence, M.F. Hill, A. Hastings and K.S. McCann.  Dynamic response of California Current populations to environmental variability.  In N. McGinn, (ed.) AFS Symposium:  Fisheries in a Changing Climate 32: 215-226.     

98.   2002  Batchelder, H.P., J.A. Barth, P. M. Kosro, P.T. Strub, R.D. Brodeur, W.T. Peterson, C.T. Tynan, M.D. Ohman, L.W. Botsford, T. M. Powell, F.B. Schwing, D.G. Ainley, D.L. Mackas, B.M. Hickey and S. R. Ramp.  The GLOBEC Northeast Pacific California Current System Program.  Oceanography 15: 36-47.

97.   2002  Hill, M.F., A. Hastings and L.W. Botsford.  The effects of small dispersal rates on extinction times in structured metapopulation models.  American Naturalist 160: 389-402.  

96.   2002  Wilen, J.E., M.D. Smith, D. Lockwood and L.W. Botsford. Avoiding surprises:  incorporating fishermen behavior into management models.  Bulletin of Marine Science 70: 553-575.      

95.   2002  N.L. Andrew, Y. Agatsuma; E. Ballesteros, A.G. Bazhin, E.P. Creaser, D.K.A. Barnes, L.W. Botsford, A. Bradbury, A. Campbell, J.D. Dixon, S. Einarsson, P. Gerring, K. Hebert, M. Hunter, S.B. Hur, C.R. Johnson, M.A. Juinio-Me–ez, P. Kalvass, R.J. Miller, C.A. Moreno, J.S. Palleiro, D. Rivas, S.M.L. Robinson, S.C. Schroeter, R.S. Steneck, R.I. Vadas, D.A. Woodby and Z. Xiaoqi  . Status and management of world sea urchin fisheries.  Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Annu. Rev. 40: 343-425.    

94.   2002  Lockwood, D.L., A. Hastings and L.W. Botsford..  The effects of dispersal patterns on marine reserves:  does the tail wag the dog?  Theoretical Population Biology 61: 297-309.  

93.   2002  Botsford, L.W. and C. A. Lawrence.  Patterns of co-variability among California current chinook salmon, coho salmon, Dungeness crab, and physical oceanographic conditions.  Progress in Oceanography 53: 283-305.  

92.   2002  Weinberg, M; Lawrence, CA; Anderson, JD; Randall, JR; Botsford, LW; Loeb, CJ; Tadokoro, CS; Orlob, GT; Sabatier, P.  Biological and economic implications of Sacramento watershed management options.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 38:367-384.     

91.   2002  Lundquist, C.J., J.M. Diehl, E. Harvey and L.W. Botsford.  Factors affecting implementation of recovery plans.  Ecological Applications 12: 713-718.     

90.   2001  Morgan, L.E. and L.W. Botsford.  Managing with reserves:  modeling uncertainty in larval dispersal for a sea urchin fishery.  Pp. 667-684 in Proceedings of the Symposium on Spatial Processes and Management of Marine Populations, University of Alaska Sea Grant, 720 pp. 

89.   2001  Jackson, JBC; Kirby, MX; Berger, WH; Bjorndal, KA; Botsford, LW; Bourque, BJ; Bradbury, RH; Cooke, R; Erlandson, J; Estes, JA; Hughes, TP; Kidwell, S; Lange, CB; Lenihan, HS; Pandolfi, JM; Peterson, CH; Steneck, RS; Tegner, MJ; Warner, RR.  Historical overfishing and the recent collapse of coastal ecosystems. Science 293:629-638.     

88.   2001  Botsford, LW.  Physical influences on recruitment to California Current invertebrate populations on multiple scales. ICES Journal of Marine Science 58:1081-1091.   

87.   2001  Botsford, L.W., Hastings, A., and Gaines, S.D. Dependence of sustainability on the configuration of marine reserves and larval dispersal distance Ecology Letters 4: 144-150.  

86.   2000  Agrawal, AA; Rudgers, JA; Botsford, LW; Cutler, D; Gorin, JB; Lundquist, CJ; Spitzer, BW, Swann, AL.  2000. Benefits and constraints on plant defense against herbivores: Spines influence the legitimate and illegitimate flower visitors of yellow star thistle  Centaurea solstitialis L-(asteraceae). Southwestern Naturalist 45: 1-5.   

85.   2000  Lundquist, C.J., L.W. Botsford, L.E. Morgan, J.M. Diehl, T. Lee, D.R. Lockwood and E.L. Pearson.  Effects of El Ni–o and La Ni–a on local invertebrate settlement in northern California.  Cal COFI Rep. 41: 167-176.     

84.   2000  Morgan, L.E., L.W. Botsford, S.R. Wing and B.D. Smith.  Spatial variability in growth and mortality of the red sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus in northern California.  Can. J. Fish Aquat. Sci. 57:  980-992.    

83.   2000  Morgan, L.E., S.R.Wing, L.W. Botsford, C.J. Lundquist and J.M. Diehl.  Spatial variability in red sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus) recruitment in northern California.  Fisheries Oceanography 9:  83-98.   

82.   2000  Botsford, L.W. and C.M. Paulsen.  Assessing covariability among populations in the presence of intraseries correlation:  Columbia River spring-summer chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) stocks.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci  57: 616-627.   

81.   1999  Morgan, L.E., L.W. Botsford, C.J. Lundquist and J.F. Quinn.   The potential of no-take reserves to sustain the red sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus) fishery in northern California.  Bull Tohoku Natl. Fish. Res. Inst. 62: 83-94.

80.   1999  Murray, S.N., R.F. Ambrose, J.A. Bohnsack, L.W. Botsford, M.H. Carr, G.E. Davis, P.K. Dayton, D. Gotshall, D.R. Gunderson, M.A. Hixon, J. Lubchenco, M. Mangel, A. MacCall, D. A. Mc Ardle, J.C. Ogden, J. Roughgarden, R.M. Starr, M.J. Tegner, and M.M. Yoklavich.  No-take reserve networks:  sustaining fishery populations and marine ecosystems.Fisheries 24:  11-25.     

79.   1999  Botsford, L.W., L.E. Morgan, D.R. Lockwood, and J.E. Wilen.  Marine reserves and management of the northern California red sea urchin fishery.  CalCOFI  Rep. 40:  87-93.    

78.   1999  Hastings, A. and L.W. Botsford.  Equivalence in yield from marine reserves and traditional fisheries management.  Science 284: 1537-1538.

77.   1998  Wing, S.R., J.L. Largier, and L.W. Botsford. Coastal retention and onshore transport of meroplankton near capes in eastern boundary currents:  examples from the California Current.  S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 19:  119-127.

76.   1998  Botsford, L.W., S.R. Wing and J.L. Largier.  Population dynamics and management implications of larval dispersal.  S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 19:  131-142.    

75.   1998  Wing, S. R., L.W. Botsford, S. V. Ralston, and J. L. Largier.  Meroplanktonic distribution and circulation in a coastal retention zone of the northern California upwelling system.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 43(7):1710-1721.    

74.   1998  Botsford, L.W., C. L. Moloney, J. L. Largier, and A. Hastings.  Metapopulation dynamics of meroplanktonic invertebrates: the Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) as an example.  In Proceedings of the North Pacific Symposium on Invertebrate Stock Assessment and Management.  Edited by G. S. Jamieson and A. Campbell.  Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sci.  125:295-306.     

73.   1998  Wing, S. R., L.W. Botsford, and J. F. Quinn.  The impact of coastal circulation on the spatial distribution of invertebrate recruitment, with implications for management.  In Proceedings of the North Pacific Symposium on Invertebrate Stock Assessment and Management.  Edited by G. S. Jamieson and A. Campbell.  Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sci.  125:285-294.     

72.   1998  Smith, B. D. and L.W. Botsford.  Interpretation of growth, mortality, and recruitment patterns in size-at-age, growth, increment, and size frequency data.  In Proceedings of the North Pacific Symposium on Invertebrate Stock Assessment and Management.  Edited by G. S. Jamieson and A. Campbell.  Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sci.  125:125-139.   

71.   1998  Smith, B. D., L.W. Botsford, and S. R. Wing.  Estimation of growth and mortality parameters from size frequency distributions lacking age patterns: the red sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus) as an example.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.  Vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 1236-1247.  

70.   1997  Botsford, L.W, and J. G. Brittnacher.  Viability of Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon.  Conservation Biology 12(1):65-79.     

69.   1997  Cisneros-Mata, M. A., L.W. Botsford, and J. F. Quinn.  Projecting viability of Totoaba macdonaldi, a population with unknown age-dependent variability.  Ecological Applications 7:968-980. 

68.   1997  Botsford, L.W.  Human activities, climate changes affect marine populations.  California Agriculture 51:36-44.   

67.   1997  Botsford, L.W, J. C. Castilla, and C. H. Peterson.  The management of fisheries and marine ecosystems.  Science 277:509-515.     

66.   1997  Higgins, K., A. Hastings, J. N. Sarvela, and L.W. Botsford.  Stochastic dynamics and deterministic skeletons: Population behavior of Dungeness crab.  Science 276:1431-1435.   

65.   1997  Higgins, K., A. Hastings, and L.W. Botsford.  Density dependence and age structure: nonlinear dynamics and population behavior.  American Naturalist, Vol. 149, No. 2.     

64.   1997  Botsford, L.W.  Dynamics of populations with density-dependent recruitment and age structure.  Chapter 12 in S. Tuljapurkar and H. Caswell (eds.)  Structured Population Models in Marine, Terrestrial, and Freshwater Systems.  Chapman and Hall, New York.  

63.   1996  Cailliet, G. M., L.W. Botsford, J. G. Brittnacher, G. Ford, M. Matsubayashi, A. King, D. L. Waters, and R. G. Kope.  Development of a computer-aided age determination system: Evaluation based on otoliths of bank rockfish off California.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 125:874-888.

62.   1995  Wing, S. R., L.W. Botsford, J. L. Largier, and L. E. Morgan.  Spatial structure of relaxation events and crab settlement in the northern California upwelling region.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 128: 199-211.

61.   1995  Wing, S. R., J. L. Largier, L.W. Botsford, and J. F. Quinn.  Settlement and transport of benthic invertebrates in an intermittent upwelling region.  Limnology and Oceanography 40: 316-329.

60.   1994  Moloney, C. L., L.W. Botsford, and J. L. Largier.  Development, survival and timing of metamorphosis of planktonic larvae in a variable environment: the Dungeness crab as an example.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 113: 61-79.  

59.   1995  Botsford, L.W and R. C. Hobbs.  Recent advances in the understanding of cyclic behavior of Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) populations.  ICES Marine Sciences Symposium 199:157-166.    

58.   1995  Botsford, L.W.  Population dynamics of spatially distributed, meroplanktonic, exploited marine invertebrates.  ICES Marine Science Symposium 199:118-128.    

57.   1994  Botsford, L.W, D. F. Lott, J. G. Brittnacher, and S. Mastrup.  Effects of precipitation and density on the abundance of California quail on Santa Cruz Island.  Pp. 401-405 in Proceedings, The Fourth California Islands Symposium: Update on the Status of Resources.  Halvorson, W. L. and G. J. Maender, Editors.  Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, CA.     

56.   1994 Botsford, L.W.  Extinction probabilities and delisting criteria for Pacific salmonids.  Conservation Biology 8:873-875.     

55.   1994  Botsford, L.W, J. F. Quinn, S. R. Wing, and J. G. Brittnacher.  Rotating spatial harvest of a benthic invertebrate, the red sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus.  Pp. 409-428 in Proceedings, International Symposium on Management Strategies for Exploited Fish Populations, Alaska Sea Grant College Program, #AK-93-02.  

54.   1994  Botsford, L.W, C. L. Moloney, A. Hastings, J. L. Largier, T. M. Powell, K. Higgins, and J. F. Quinn.  The influence of spatially and temporally varying oceanographic conditions on meroplanktonic metapopulations.  Deep-Sea Research II 41:107-145. 

53.   1994  Quinn, J. F., S. R. Wing, and L.W. Botsford.  Harvest regufia in marine invertebrate fisheries: Models and applications to the red sea urchin Strongylocentrotus franciscanus.  American Zoologist 33:537-550.  

52.   1994  Botsford, L.W, B. D. Smith, and J. F. Quinn.  Bimodality in size distributions: The red sea urchin Strongylocentrotus franciscanus.  Ecological Applications 4(1):42-50.   

51.   1992  Hobbs, R. C., L.W. Botsford, and A. Thomas.  Influence of hydrographic conditions and wind forcing on the distribution and abundance of Dungeness crab, Cancer magister, larvae.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49:1379-1388.     

50.   1992  Botsford, L.W and S. K. Jain.  Applying the principles of population biology: Assessment and recommendations.  Pp. 263-286 in Applied Population Biology.  S. K. Jain and L. W. Botsford, Editors.  295 pp. 

49.   1992  Botsford, L.W and S. K. Jain.  Population biology and its application to practical problems.  Pp. 1-24 in Applied Population Biology.  S. K. Jain and L. W. Botsford, Editors.  295Êpp.  

48.   1992  Jain, S. K., and L.W. Botsford, Editors.  Applied Population Biology.  295 pp.     

47.   1992  Botsford, L.W and J. G. Brittnacher.  Detection of environmental influences on wildlife populations: California quail as an example.  Pp. 158-169 in Wildlife 2001: Populations.  D. R. McCulloch and R. Barrett, Editors.  1163 pp.   

46.   1992  Botsford, L.W.  Individual state structure in population models.  Chapter 10, pp 213-236 in Individual-Based Approaches in Ecology: Concepts and Models.  D. DeAngelis and L. Gross, Editors.  525 pp.

45.   1992  Hobbs, R. C., L.W. Botsford, and R. G. Kope.  Bioeconomic evaluation of the culture/stocking concept for California halibut.  Pp. 417-449 in The California Halibut, Paralichthys californicus, Resources and Fisheries.  C. W. Haugen, Editor.  California Department of Fish & Game Fish Bulletin #174.   

44.   1992  Botsford, L.W.  Further analysis of Clark's delayed recruitment model.  Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 54:275-293.     

43.   1992  Hobbs, R. C., and L.W. Botsford.  Diel vertical migration and timing of metamorphosis of larval Dungeness crab Cancer magister.  Marine Biology 112:417-428.   

42.   1991  Banks, H. T., L.W. Botsford, F. Kappel, and C. Wang.  Estimation of growth and survival in size-structured cohort data: An application to larval striped bass (Morone saxatilis).  Journal of Mathematical Biology 30:125-150.     

41.   1991  Botsford, L.W.  Crustacean egg production and fisheries management.  Pp. 379-394 in Crustacean Egg Production.  A. M. Wenner, Editor.  401 pp.     

40.   1991  Kohlhorst, D. W., L.W. Botsford, J. S. Brennan, and G. M. Cailliet.  Aspects of the structure and dynamics of an exploited central California population of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus).  Pp.Ê277-294 in Actes du Premier Colloque Internationale sur l'Esturgeon.  P. Williot, Editor.  Bordeaux, France.   

39.   1990  Kope, R. G., and L.W. Botsford.  Determination of factors affecting recruitment of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in central California.  US Fisheries Bulletin 88:257-269. 

38.   1989  Hobbs, R. C., and L.W. Botsford.  Dynamics of an age-structured prey with density- and predation-dependent recruitment: The Dungeness crab and a nemertean egg predator worm.  Theoretical Population Biology 36:1-22.

37.   1989  Botsford, L.W, D. A. Armstrong, and J. M. Shenker.  Oceanographic influences on the dynamics of commercially fished populations.  Pp.Ê511-565 in Coastal Oceanography of Washington and Oregon.  M. R. Landry and B. M. Hickey, Editors.   

36.   1988  Kope, R. G., and L.W. Botsford.  Detection of environmental influence on recruitment using abundance data.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45:1448-1458.    

35.   1988  Botsford, L.W, T. C. Wainwright, J. T. Smith, S. Mastrup, and D. F. Lott.  Population dynamics of California quail related to meteorological conditions.  Journal of Wildlife Management 52(3):469-477.     

34.   1987  Banks, H. T., L.W. Botsford, F. Kappel, and C. Wang.  Modeling and estimation in size structured population models.  Pp.Ê521-541 in Mathematical Ecology.  T. G. Hallam, L. J. Gross, and S. A. Levin, Editors.     

33.   1987  Botsford, L.W, B. Vondracek, T. C. Wainwright, A. L. Linden, R. G. Kope, D. E. Reed, and J. J. Cech Jr.  Population development of the mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, in rice fields.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 20:143‑154.  

32.   1987  Botsford, L.W.  Analysis of environmental influences on population dynamics.  Pp.Ê54-64 in Modeling and Management of Resources Under Uncertainty.  T. L. Vincent, Y. Cohen, W. J. Grantham, G. P. Kirkwood and J. M. Skowronski, Editors.   

31.   1986  Botsford, L.W.  Effects of environmental forcing on age-structured populations: Northern California Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) as an example.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 43:2345-2352.   

30.   1986  Hamilton, A., L.W. Botsford, and J. R. Carey.  Demographic examination of sex ratio in the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch.  Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 41:147-151.     

29.   1986  Botsford, L.W and R. C. Hobbs.  1986.  Static optimization of yield per recruit with reproduction and fishing costs.  Fisheries Research 4:181-189.

28.   1986  Johnson, D. F., L.W. Botsford, R. D. Methot, Jr., and T. C. Wainwright.  Wind stress and cycles in Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) catch off California, Oregon, and Washington.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 43(4):838-845.   

27.   1986  Botsford, L.W.  Population dynamics of the Dungeness crab (Cancer magister).  Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 92:140-153.     

26.   1985  Sykes, S. D., and L.W. Botsford.  Chinook salmon, (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) escapement based on multiple mark-recapture of carcasses.  Fishery Bulletin 84(2): 261-270.  

25.   1985  Botsford, L.W.  Models of growth.  Pp.Ê171-188 in Factors in Adult Growth.  A. M. Wenner, Editor.    

24.   1985  Anderson, S. L., L.W. Botsford, and W. H. Clark, Jr.  Size distribution and sex ratios of ridgeback prawns (Sicyonia ingentis) in the Santa Barbara Channel (1979-1981).  CalCOFI Reports XXVI:169-174. 

23.   1985  Wainwright, T. C., R. G. Kope, and L.W. Botsford.  Implications of laboratory mosquitofish experiments for population development in rice fields.  Proceedings and Papers of the Fifty-Second Annual Conference of the California Mosquito Vector Control Association 52:110-114.    

22.   1985  Botsford, L.W and T. C. Wainwright.  Optimal fishery policy: An equilibrium solution with irreversible investment.  Journal of Mathematical Biology 21:317-327.    

21.   1984  Botsford, L.W.  Comments on marine survival of Pacific salmonids.  Pp.Ê183-186  in The Influence of Ocean Conditions on the Production of Salmonids in the North Pacific.  W. G. Pearcy, Editor.  Oregon State University, Corvallis.  327 pp.     

20.   1984  Allen, P. G., L.W. Botsford, A. M. Schuur, and W. E. Johnston.  Bioeconomics of Aquaculture.  351 pp.

19.   1984  Botsford, L.W and R. Hobbs.  Optimal fishery policy with artificial enhancement through stocking: California's white sturgeon as an example.  Ecological Modelling 23:293-312.  

18.   1984  Botsford, L.W.  Effect of individual growth rates on expected behavior of the Northern California Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) fishery.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 41(1):99-107.   

17.   1983  Botsford, L.W.  Age- and size-specific models in the Dungeness crab fishery.  In Population Biology Proceedings, Edmonton 1982.  Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, No. 52.  H. F. Freedman, C. Strobeck, Editors.

16.   1983  Botsford, L.W, R. D. Methot, Jr., and W. E. Johnston.  Effort dynamics of the Northern California Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) fishery.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40(3):337-346.  

15.   1982  Botsford, L.W, R. D. Methot, Jr., and J. E. Wilen.  Cyclic covariation in the California king salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, silver salmon, O. kisutch, and Dungeness crab, Cancer magister, fisheries.  Fishery Bulletin 80(4):791-801.     

14.   1982  Methot, R. D., Jr., and L.W. Botsford.  Estimated preseason abundance in the California Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) fisheries.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 39(8):1077-1083.

13.   1981  Botsford, L.W.  Comment on cycles in the Northern California Dungeness crab population.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 38(10):1295-1296.   

12.   1981  Botsford, L.W.  Optimal fishery policy for size-specific, density-dependent population models.  Journal of Mathematical Biology 12:256-293.   

11.   1981  Botsford, L.W.  More realistic fishery models: Cycles, collapse, and optimal policy.  Pp.Ê6-20 in Renewable Resource Management.  T. L. Vincent and J. Skowronski, Editors.     

10.   1981  Botsford, L.W.  The effects of increased individual growth rates on depressed population size.  American Naturalist 117(1): 38-63.   

9.    1979  Botsford, L.W and D. E. Wickham.  Population cycles caused by inter-age density-dependent mortality in young fish and crustaceans.  Pp.Ê73-82 in Cyclic Phenomena in Marine Plants and Animals.  E. Naylor and R. G. Hartnoll, Editors.

8.    1978  Botsford, L.W and D. E. Wickham.  Behavior of age-specific, density-dependent models and the Northern California Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) fishery.  Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 35:833-843.   

7.    1978  Botsford, L.W and T. W. Gossard.  Implications of growth and metabolic rates on costs of aquaculture.  Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Workshop, World Mariculture Society 9:413-423.  

6.    1977  Botsford, L.W.  Current economic status of lobster culture research.  Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Workshop, World Mariculture Society 8:723-739.     

5.    1975  Botsford, L.W, H. E. Rauch, A. M. Schuur, and R. A. Shleser.  An economically optimum aquaculture facility.  Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Workshop, World Mariculture Society 6:407-420.     

4.    1975  Botsford, L.W and D. E. Wickham.  Correlation of upwelling index and Dungeness crab catch.  US Fishery Bulletin 73(4): 901-907.   

3.    1975  Rauch, H. E., L.W. Botsford, and R. A. Shleser.  Economic optimization of an aquaculture facility.  IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control AC-20(3):310-319.   

2.    1974  Botsford, L.W, H. E. Rauch, and R. A. Shleser.  Application of optimization theory to the economics of aquaculture.  Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Workshop, World Mariculture Society 5:387-401.     

1.    1974  Botsford, L. W., H. E. Rauch, and R. A. Shleser.  Optimal temperature control of a lobster plant.  IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control AC-19(5):541-542.