Lauren Yamane
PhD in Ecology, University of California, Davis, 2016
MS in Marine Science, University of South Carolina, 2008
BS in Biology: Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution, University of California, San Diego, 2003
Research Interests
My research uses theoretical approaches to address applied questions in marine resource management. I am particularly interested in the causes of observed variability of fish populations in space and time. Much of my dissertation work uses mathematical models to explore how fishing and hatchery supplementation alter the behavior and sensitivity of fish populations to environmental signals.
Another facet of my research focuses on understanding how variabilities and covariabilities among salmon populations scale up to the aggregate stock level through the portfolio effect.
Download my full C.V. here
Publications in prep
Yamane, L., L.W. Botsford, and A. Hastings. Effects of hatchery supplementation on variability in Pacific salmon populations.
Yamane, L., L.W. Botsford, and A. Hastings. Characteristics of the spawning age distribution and time scales of population variability.
Publications in review
Cordoleani, F., L.W. Botsford, L. Yamane, and A. Hastings. Declining salmon survival reduces ecosystem services by increasing overall variability.
Yamane, L., L.W. Botsford, and D.P. Kilduff. 2017. Tracking restoration of population diversity via the portfolio effect. Journal of Applied Ecology, in press.
Helmuth, B., F. Choi, A. Matzelle, J. Torossian, S. Morello, M.A.S. Mislan, L. Yamane, et al. 2016. Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal temperatures using biomimetic sensors. Scientific Data 3:Article number 160087.
Meek, M., C. Wells, K. Tomalty, J. Ashander, E. Cole, D. Gille, B. Putman, J. Rose, M. Savoca, L. Yamane, J. Hull, D. Rogers, E. Rosenblum, J. F. Shogren, R. Swaisgood, and B. May. 2016. We should not be afraid to talk about fear of failure on conservation. Biological Conservation 194:218-219.
Meek, M., C. Wells, K. Tomalty, J. Ashander, E. Cole, D. Gille, B. Putman, J. Rose, M. Savoca, L. Yamane, J. Hull, D. Rogers, E. Rosenblum, J. F. Shogren, R. Swaisgood, and B. May. 2015. Overcoming the fear of failure to improve the conservation of extremely small populations. Biological Conservation 184:209-217.
Burgess, S.C., K.J. Nickols, C.D. Griesemer, L.A.K. Barnett, A.G. Dedrick, E.V. Satterthwaite, L. Yamane, S.G. Morgan, J.W. White, and L.W. Botsford. 2014. Beyond connectivity: how empirical methods can quantify population persistence to improve marine protected area design. Ecological Applications 24:257-70.
Helmuth, B., L. Yamane, S. Lalwani, A. Matzelle, A. Tockstein, and N. Gao. 2011. Hidden signals of climate change in intertidal ecosystems: what (not) to expect when you are expecting. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 400:191-199.
Helmuth, B., B. Broitman, L. Yamane, S. Gilman, K. Mach, K.A.S. Mislan, M.W. Denny. 2010. Organismal climatology: analyzing environmental variability at scales relevant to physiological stress. Journal of Experimental Biology 213:995-1003.
Helmuth, B., L. Yamane, K.J. Mach, S. Chhotray, P. Levin, S. Woodin. 2010. All climate change is local: understanding and predicting the effects of climate change from an organism's point of view. Stanford Journal of Law, Science, and Policy 2:18-35.
Yamane, L., and S.E. Gilman. 2009. Opposite responses by an intertidal predator to increasing aquatic and aerial temperatures. Marine Ecology Progress Series 393:27-36.